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Large media campaigns are still a very effective way to create credibility and attention for your product or service.
How this helps you
With a media campaign you can reach a large target audience in a dedicated time frame. It can be effective for big product launches or to speed up the process of building brand awareness.
What is it?
Media campaigns promote a product or solution through different media, including television, radio, print and online platforms. They usually form part of a broader marketing plan. Campaigns don’t have to rely solely on advertising and can also include demonstrations, word of mouth and other interactive techniques.
Marketing campaigns can be designed with different goals in mind, including building a brand image, introducing a new product, increasing sales of a product already on the market, or even reducing the impact of negative news. Defining a campaign’s goal usually dictates how much marketing is needed and what media are most effective.
How does it relate?
Marketing is all about reaching customers, and there are many ways to do that. For smaller companies an email campaigns, special sales offer online and free product sampling may be cost effective option. But with a bigger budget you can choose to go for professional advertising, promotional support or media agencies to reach a wider audience.
Regardless of company size, make sure to dedicate time and resources to handle the traffic a marketing campaign generates. If you want customers to sign up for your email list, make sure that the list is managed well and that new customers receive welcoming messages. If visits to your website increase, you must continuously update your content to convert this traffic to profitable sales.
Your next Waypoint
Media campaigns may be cheaper than you think. Don’t be afraid to check it out, even if you are just curious. Seek advice from friend or family in the media business.
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