Profile Description
With a prototype people will better understand what I mean. No matter if it’s made from paper, clay, wood or else.
How this helps you
It is easier for people to relate to something tangible or visible. Your prototype can help you get better feedback, serve in user tests or help explain your product or service.
What is it?
The prototype is a first model of a product or service that can be made with simple materials. This can be clay, lego, stop-motion, paper, wood, drawing etc. It fires discussion and helps with improvements. The prototype is a tool for testing a product or service by observing the interactions of the user with a prototype. Before getting into the costly development of a new or improved service, prototypes help to validate the ideas quickly and cheaply.
How does it relate?
The tool prototypes is one of the many tools used in service design, which aims at designing user centered services. Products designed around the needs of their end-user are far more succesfull than products developed behind a desk without consulting the end-user.
Your next Waypoint
IDEO, one of the first companies to apply service design, often organizes a MOOC, which actively helps you to understand and work with different service design tools. Check out
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