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The average age for an entrepreneur to become successful is 39. For a girlband 17 is better than 70.
How this helps you
Not many entrepreneurs become succesful with their first idea. In order for you to become succesful it is therefore important to realise that your first attempt might fail, including your dream of becoming a billionaire before age thirty. Age is not a resource, nor should it be a reason for not starting. What you do need to take into account is that it is easier to be succesful when you understand your customer and its environment. Age can be a big advantage.
What is it?
Many people have tried to find the ideal age to launch a startup. The average entrepreneur is 40 years old when they launch their successful startup. People over 55 years old are twice as likely as people under 35 to launch a high-growth startup. The average age of a successful startup with over $1MM in revenues is 39. And more important age is less of a driver for entrepreneurial success than previous startup and industry experience.
How does it relate?
If age isn’t that important, don’t use it as an excuse and start to gain a lot of experiences and find your way to a successful business. And if you can start with playing a game it can’t be that difficult.
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Read for yourself about age and entrepreneurship in this article:
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