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Many people can be a source of inspiration and advice for my company. These could be thought leaders, artists or sportsmen.
How this helps you
Even entrepreneurs need inspiration. Look around you for people you admire and put them in your virtual board of advisors. Assume you can ask them for advice and have them guide you.
What is it?
A virtual board is a non-existing board of advisors. The advantage of a virtual board is that you can put anyone in, dead or alive, rich or poor, even people who don’t even speak your language.
Research shows that decisions taken for others produce more creative solutions than the decisions taken for oneself. It demonstrates that people are more creative for others than for themselves. Creating a virtual board and imagining how it would advise you, involves a change of perspective which can shed new light on the situation.
How does it relate?
In the Define waypoint you want to determine your values. A virtual board can help you to stay close to your values, by chosing people on your virtual board that represent these values. Every time you make a decision you can make the decision on behalf of your virtual board and be more creative while staying true to your values.
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