Profile Description
I don’t have all the answers. So I ask questions to better understand my business.
How this helps you
If you could ask anyone, anything about your business. Who would it be? Entrepreneurs are more accessible than you think, and the best thing they love other entrepreneurs. Try calling them up, meet them at a tradeshow or go to their store.
What is it?
If ever you want to understand something in depth, listening and asking the right questions is key. One powerful trick is to ask ‘why?’ 5 times in a discussion with others. That is because the true essence why things are what they are often go beyond what you see or experience at first. For example the reason for your flat tire would be the puncture. But continuing to ask why it is punctured (your brother did it), why he did it (because he’s mad at you) and why he’s mad at you (you stole his desert) brings you closer to the real issue instead.
How does it relate?
Asking the right questions is key to gain understanding. It also helps you to remain objective about something which is important to make better decisions for your business. Figuring out what really is going on first can save you changes later.
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