Profile Description
There are different ways to lead a team. For example like a general, a sportscoach or a manager.
How this helps you
Accept that while your character is fixed, your behaviour is not. Find out what kind of leader you are and train yourself to get the most out of it.
What is it?
Leadership styles have an impact on how people respond. Leadership can and should be situational, depending on the needs of the team. Basically people are devided by willing and able. Leadership styles will change whether some is willing and able versus some one that is not willing but able or willing but not able. Adjusting your leadership style can lead to better results. Be aware that here are as many approaches to leadership as there are leaders. It is valuable to understand the characteristics of different leadership styles and know how you might apply each one of them yourself.
How does it relate?
According to the famous author and business consultant Peter Drucker, “Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things”. Leadership styles are closely related to personality types. Like most people, you will probably have a natural preference for a certain leadership style. Try to find out what that style is and, more importantly, how that may affect people in different situations. Knowing yourself and how you act is a key factor to lead teams effectively.
Your next Waypoint
Leadership styles have been subject to many studies over the last decades. There are several frameworks and models to describe different leadership styles. We find the six different leadership styles as defined by Daniel Goleman (2000) a useful starting point to learn more about it. And you can take one of many personality tests which are available online. For instance have a look at:
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