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At the bank they all wear ties. At Nike they all wear sneakers.
How this helps you
There are many studies about company culture and how to change it. These are usually about big companies. Certain patterns have grown into the company over many years. Mergers of companies are so difficult because they have to merge different cultures.
If you are a start up, company culture is easy. The entrepreneurs are the culture. Easy? Yes it seems, if you are aware of it. Think about the things you love and how you can share them with your partners and employees or even your customers. Share why you do the things you do and be strict when people cross the norms.
What is it?
The culture of a company is its identity. The culture of a company is not about the why or what but about the how. How do people deal with customers, how do they make decisions, how do they go to work? It is the way an organisation works. It has everything to do with people and behaviour.
How does it relate?
Culture is very hard to change to think about what culture suits your startup best. And because it relates to your vision, mission and values
Your next Waypoint
here are some handy worksheets to develop your vision, mission and values. We have one for you here, but check out a few before you decide which one you like best.
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