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Some companies have a mascot or a company character. Like Mickey Mouse for Disneyland, or George Clooney for Nespresso.
How this helps you
When you are starting a company, everything you feel is in you. If you ever tried you might have found out that it is difficult to transfer that feeling to others. It can be helpful to tranfer this feeling into a symbol that many people understand. Is it classy like Clooney or fun for everyone like Mickey?
What is it?
A company mascot or ambassador can help convey the brand personality. A brand’s personality is formally defined as a set of human characteristics associated with the name of a product, service or company. One of the most talked about brands is Apple. It is almost known entirely for its brand personality attributes — innovative, stylish, intuitive, cool, casual, easy-going and friendly.
What character might fit for these Apple attributes? Most likely rather Ashton Kutcher than Kevin Spacey.
This is much more about Brand Adjectives than Ambassador. De koppeling moet beter gemaakt worden
How does it relate?
For your company it is important to live up to your brand promise to be believed by your customer. Explore the significance of understanding your organization’s personality attributes. So start listening to your customers, start discovering!
Waypoint 2, Discover. You can learn how to deliver your brand promise. The virtual board can help to stay close to your values and to check if the brand promise is related to your values.
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