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Before I start investing money it is smart to validate my assumptions about market potential once more.
How this helps you
Keep in mind that the value for the customer is always more important than any planning, launch or marketing campaign. Be sure to have something to delight your customers with.
What is it?
Validation is used for checking that a product, service, or system meets the requirements and specifications to fulfil its intended purpose. It is often specifically aimed at checking if needs of the intended customer are met. An example of a validation question in product development could be “Are you building the right thing?” Another way of validation is used with customers through feedback forms. “Does this answer help you?” Are you satisfied with your purchase?
How does it relate?
It is important to frequently check how you are progressing versus your initial goals. There are several tools for that. But getting a quick validation of how customers perceive your product or solution before you even start is most worthwhile. Validation can be done with many tools provided by human centred design, such as interviewing, photo safaris etc.
Your next Waypoint
Here are 20 questions to validate your idea, product or service. Don’t be discouraged if you can’t answer them all. It is not a test, it’s a direction of thinking.
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